Friday 30 September 2011

Another trip to the FC

Off I trotted this morning for yet another date with the dildo-cam - what joy!!

Had a different nurse today (don't like her as much as the other one) and she seemed surprised that hubby wanted to sit with me during the scan.  He does that with every scan though, and to be honest I don't see why he shouldn't as he's (almost) as much a part of the process as I am!!!

Anyway, I digress!!!  Result of the scan is that I now have 5 follicles left on one side and 4 on the other side, which is an improvement on Wednesday when I had 6 on one side and 7 on the other.  So it looks as though things are starting to improve slightly, although I still seem to be in as much pain which I don't understand.  I've to go back on Monday again to have it re-check, so fingers crossed by then they've all gone so that we're ready to start again when AF arrives.

S x

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