Tuesday 20 September 2011

D Day Approaching

Tomorrow is D day - decision day that is!!

Tomorrow morning we're back at the FC for a scan to check how many follicles I have, and all being well I should be able to have my trigger shot in the afternoon (self administered) in order for IUI to take place on Thursday afternoon.

I've taken Thursday and Friday off work, partly because if the follicles aren't ready I'll have another Gonal F injection tomorrow and then back on Thursday to check them again, and partly because I'm really struggling to concentrate on anything at work just now.  Due to the work I do, I really can't afford to make mistakes, so I figured until we get this part over with I'd (and my patients) be better taking some time off.

I'm not stressed about it all as such, but it has hit me in the last 24 hours that it's all very real now and things have moved very quickly (we only had our appointment to confirm we were starting treatment two weeks ago!)  I don't know if it's the thought of it not working, and potentially having all this to do again another five times before we even start IVF, but it has freaked me out slightly.  I'll be fine though I'm sure, although going on the last week or so I think I could be certifiable by the end of the TWW.

So please keep your fingers crossed for us that the follicles are nice and mature tomorrow, and that there are a maximum of three waiting for us as any more than that and we'll have to abandon the cycle.

S x

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