Saturday 17 September 2011

Knew it was too good to last!!

So off I trotted to the hospital today to have my second Gonal F injection.  It was pretty straight forward really, just went into the ward and told the nurses who I was and they showed me into a treatment room.  The nurse who did the injection was really nice, and when she injected the drugs it was a lot less painful than the last one.  I'm not sure if it was because this one was on the opposite side and if maybe there was scar tissue from my appendectomy, but either way I'm not bothered so long as it wasn't painful. lol
As we were leaving the nurse wished us good luck, which was lovely but almost made me cry!!

Within a few hours my tummy started feeling quite bloated and heavy and it's still the same way.  I did think it was a bit too good to be true that I didn't have any side effects at all, but if that's all I have to suffer then I won't complain.

I also decided to have a try of my practice injections tonight.  I did one and have one to do tomorrow night before I inject myself on Monday at the hospital.  It was a bit fiddly because it's the first time I'd done it, but it was pretty straight forward, although I did feel a bit sorry for the apple I injected!! lol

S x

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you have side effects now! Obviously a bit different but the side effects I suffered with the clomid were horrendous, so I feel for you! Hopefully, crossing everything, it will all be worth it this first time though :) x
