Friday 30 September 2011

I've had a pretty rough few days, hence no posting from me for a while.

I've been in quite a bit of pain since the scan last Wednesday that led to our IUI cycle being cancelled. On Thursday it was crippling - to the point I was going to get DH to take me to the hospital - but on Friday it eased off and I thought it was because I OV'd and it was more painful than normal because of the multiple follicles I'd produced (the IUI was abandoned because I over stim'd)

Anyway, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday it was as bad as every again and Wednesday was awful. My stomach was so swollen up that I looked as pregnant as the girl I work with who is almost 6 months (and I normally have a flat size 10 tummy) and I'm in pain constantly and it becomes worse when I move. I decided to phone the FC to ask their opinion, and the nurse told me to go over this afternoon to be scanned to check what's going on.

I went to the hospital, and after a scan they confirmed that it's OHSS. My ovaries are so enlarged that they were touching!!!! The nurse couldn't even see my uterus because they were blocking everything. Apparently I had 6 follicles in one ovary and 7 in the other - and they all OV'd!!! And they were all over 2mm each! No wonder I was in pain on Thursday when I OV'd. I was ordered off work for the next few days and told to rest a lot.

So, I took yesterday and today off as holidays (don't really want to take them as sick if I can help it) and yesterday I literally didn't move from the sofa all day except to have a shower. I'm due back at the hospital in about an hour and a half, and to be honest things aren't really any better. I still look about 6 months pregnant and at times I can't even do up my trousers, and still in a lot of pain although not moving has helped a bit (until I move again that is!!)

So, fingers crossed that things look a bit better on the scan today and that I don't need to a) take any more time off work and b) they don't admit me to hospital!!!

S x

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