Friday 23 September 2011

What a couple of days!

After our disappointment on Wednesday I'll admit I was a bit tearful the rest of the day.  I don't think it helped that the scan caused me to have horrible tummy ache all night either.
Yesterday, however was worse.  I wasn't too bad in the morning, but come mid afternoon I had horrific pains in my tummy to the point where I was struggling to walk because every step made it worse.  I went to the swimming in the hope that would help, but if anything it made it worse and by the time I got home I couldn't do anything but lie on the sofa.  At one point I was getting pretty worried it was OHSS and considered phoning the hospital to ask what to do, but I decided I'd give it over night and judge how it was this morning.

Thankfully it seems to have eased up a lot today, and although it's still tender it's bearable now.  I'm wondering if it was maybe OV pains yesterday and was just a lot worse than normal because there were so many follicles to OV?  We were advised by the nurse not to BD just in case because there was an increased chance of more than one egg fertilizing, but we kind of forgot! *oops*  Just have to hope that nothing comes of it, although after over two years of TTC I don't think there's much chance of it anyway.

S x

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