Monday 12 September 2011

And, we're off!!!!

Well, AF showed up bang on time yesterday which for once I was actually pleased about.  The reason being that now we can start our first cycle of IUI!!!

Tonight I'll take my first 50mg Clomid tablet and the process will be started.

I called the clinic today (as they're closed over the weekend) and the nurse made all of my appointments for me: *I'll take Clomid from today (CD2) until CD5
*On Thursday (CD5) I have to go to the FC at 3.45 to have a baseline scan and my first injection.
*On Saturday I need to go to the Gynae department at a different hospital to have my second injection (again because the FC is closed over the weekend)
*On Monday I'm back to the FC again for another injection (if we need more cycles I'll do them myself after that)
*On Wednesday it's back to the FC AGAIN to another scan to see how the follies are growing
*If things are as they should be I'll be given a trigger shot to inject at 3pm and then we'll return to the FC the next afternoon for the actual IUI

If the follies aren't ready on Wednesday, I'll be given another injection and go back the next day to check if they're ready then before having the trigger.

All in all I think it's going to be a pretty busy (and quite scary) couple of weeks.  I'm not worried about the injections at all, but the whole process is a pretty daunting thought.  I'm quite aware that it's a lot of pressure on hubby too, as of course he needs to put up with the hormone effects plus knowing that he has to "perform" when required again.

So, after over two years of TTC and getting nowhere, we're finally on what will hopefully be the road to our BFP - the sooner the better!!!

S x

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