Monday 19 September 2011

Feeling so let down

Apologies, I just read this post back and it's a bit of a ramble but I'm hoping it'll help to write it down.

I went to the hospital yet again today and had the third of my Gonal F injections.  I say "had", but that should actually be "gave myself" as today I had to do the jab myself with the nurse watching to make sure I did it right.  Apparently I'm a pro at it, so I'll be able to do all the injections from now on at home myself.  I'm pleased about that as it will mean a lot less trips to the hospital.
So, next on the agenda is back to the FC on Wednesday for a scan to check if the follicles are ready.

Still doing well on the side effect front, although I have had a bit of an emotional night.  The thing that upset me is that although we chose to tell my Mum that we were starting treatment this month she has shown no interest whatsoever and hasn't even asked if we've started or how it's going.  We did say that we were hoping to pay for private treatment while we were waiting on NHS IVF, and Mum always said that she'd help us out with some of the money towards it.  We didn't plan on taking her up on that, but it was nice to have the offer.
When we found out we could give IUI a try, I told Mum about it although we didn't mention if it was NHS or private and she didn't ask.  Ever since then she has avoided us and even when she's been speaking to me has made a point of speaking about everything else except the biggest thing in our lives - trying to have a baby.

I think that she isn't bringing it up because she's worried we'll ask her for the money she's offered toward the treatment - not that we would even if it were private treatment - and for some reason she doesn't want to help us.  Now, to put you in the picture my parents are far from short of cash and recently I claimed back PPI on their mortgage for them and I know that they received over £6k back.

The money isn't what is bothering me anyway, the thing that's upsetting me is that she doesn't even care what we're going through.  It hurts even more because when we started attending the FC my oldest sister was going through fertility testing too.  In the end, sadly her and her husband can't have kids, but all through her appointments and tests Mum made a point of calling us all to tell us what was going on.  I always asked her anyway, because I was interested and cared and wanted to be there for her, but now we're the ones going through it all no one is interested at all.  The only thing she seems to care about just now is her holiday (which is another bone of contention between her and us as she booked it with my middle sister and her kids and didn't want us and our kids to go)

The way I feel over all of this has really made me take a step back from my family and tonight I couldn't even bare to speak to Mum and made hubby lie to her that I wasn't here. I feel as though hubby and I are on our own.

S x

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