Wednesday 7 September 2011

All set for our first IUI cycle

We had our appointment today to finalize all the bits and pieces for our first IUI cycle.

We had the same nurse as before, who is lovely, although she did surprise me with a scan I wasn't expecting (was so glad I "tidied up" before I went)  Everything with that was fine though, although I was a bit surprised to be scanned less than a week before AF is due.

Anyway, the nurse basically went over everything about the treatment - timescales, drugs, procedures for each appointment, side effects and what to do if anything was wrong either during office hours or outwith, all the things that can go wrong (but hopefully won't)
She then proceeded to scared the bejesus out of hubby by saying that it "could" result in triplets.  Amused me no end to watch his reaction

So this is the plan (just in case it's useful for anyone although of course things can always vary):

CD1 - phone the FC to arrange all of my appointments right through until the day after IUI
CD2 - start taking 50ml clomid each day until CD5 (which I got today so need to put somewhere I'll remember)
CD5 - into the FC for a scan to check everything is as it should be.  Also given my first injection today at the clinic.  They do this one.
CD7 - back to the FC for another scan to check lining and follicles and given another injection.  This time I'm shown how to make up the drugs myself and they watch me doing the injection.
CD9 - another injection but this time I do it myself
CD11 - FC for another scan to check follie growth, and if there are enough (1-3) and they're mature enough I'm given a trigger shot to take at 3pm.  If they're not mature I'm given another dose of drugs and return the next day to repeat the process.
CD12 - Basting day!!  Hubby has to hand in his sample in the morning, then two hours later I'm back to the FC for yet another scan to check that I've OV'd and then the washed sperm is inserted through a catheter.
CD13 - another scan to check that OV occurred, and if necessary another basting.
CD14-OTD - the dreaded TWW

So there you go, the plan of how my life should be for the next couple of weeks starting on Monday (if AF arrives on time)  We found out today that we get 6 cycles rather than the 3 I thought we got, so that's good news.

S x

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