Sunday 2 October 2011

An Educational Day (for a change)

After the scan on Friday showed things to be getting slightly better, I think they're continuing on the same track as I've not been feeling as bad the last two days - yipee!!!

Today was a proper "Me" day  (don't know the last time I had one of those!)  I started off at the swimming then when I was finished I went and had a coffee (decaf naturally) and read my book for an hour in the hotel lounge. It's not normally something I'd do alone, but I had time to kill before heading to the Nuffield so it seemed a good plan.  Was very enjoyable actually!!

Then I headed into the Nuffield Private Hospital in Glasgow for a fertility open day.  We'd been booked on one before but couldn't make it, so I was really looking forward to today.  I was a bit early, so they just added me into the earlier group and we started off by having a presentation from one of the consultants.  She was really nice and went through everything about the hospital and what happens there in regard to fertility treatment.  After that, we actually got to meet the Embryologist and she showed us pictures from the microscope of every stage right from egg collection, fertilization, days 1-5 and embryo transfer.  After that we were all shown around the clinic by one of the nurses, and got to see in the consultation rooms, the bedrooms you use when you're in for egg-collection and embryo transfer, the room you go into for collection and transfer (looked quite scary actually) and the special room they have for hubby's to do their part.  I have to say I was very impressed with that room as it had an outside door, a little corridor then the actual door to the room which is great because then it wouldn't feel as though you could hear everyone going past and that they might walk in.

All in all it was a brilliant day and it's the most information I've been given by anyone we've seen.  It was really good to see where "it all happens" too as to be honest I don't think I had much of a clue about where they'd actually do the treatment.  

After the tour we were able to have a private consultation with one of the nurses to discuss what we were looking for from treatment.  Although I was there on my own (hubby was nightshift last night) I decided to speak to the nurse anyway just to see what she thought of where we are. She was VERY surprised that I'd over stimulated on the doses of drugs I was on, and said I must have a very high AMH level which is fantastic for IVF.  She also brought up egg-sharing as an option for us, and as I've said before it is something that I think I might like to do to help someone else who is struggling to TTC.

I'm home armed with a bundle of information to show hubby (if he ever stops playing footie on the PS3 with C) and discuss if we want to go ahead with private treatment or just stick with the IUI and wait on our turn for IVF.

My gut feeling - I really really liked the hospital today and would love to go ahead with our treatment there asap.

S x 

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