Thursday 20 October 2011

The day that changes our lives?

Well, the last of the Gonal F injections were done yesterday (CD5 7 & 9) and I was back at the FC today for a scan to check how many follicles we had this time.  I was so convinced that I'd over stimulate again that I was totally prepared for it to be another abandoned cycle.  What I shock I got when the nurse told me that we had one follicle at 17mm and a couple of smaller ones - so we could go ahead with the rest of the treatment!!!
To help the other follicles along, I was given another Gonal F injection to do at the clinic (hubby found it really funny that I was at the hospital but had to do my own injection) and given a 250mg Ovitrelle to inject at midday. I wasn't really looking forward to doing it at work, but as it turned out it wasn't too bad and I managed to sneak it into a sharps bin at work ok so that I didn't have to try and carry it home (I work in a lab by the way)

So, as of now I should be about ready to ovulate at least one egg, possibly more if the Gonal F has worked ok.  Tomorrow morning hubby has to do his bit, and take it over to the FC at 8.45am.  Then it's back at midday for us and that's when the actual IUI will take place.

For anyone who doesn't know the process, what basically happens is that the take hubby's sperm and wash it to sort the good swimmers out.  They are then put into a medium that helps nurture them and keep them alive, and that solution is then inserted via a catheter into my uterus.  Apparently it's no more uncomfortable than a smear test although it can cause a bit of cramping, but I'll withhold my judgement on that until I've had it done.

Hubby is a bit worried that his sample will be one of the not so great ones and it will mean the IUI won't work, but as I told him there isn't anything we can do about it and we just have to take things as they come and hope for the best.

So, tomorrow could be the day that changes our lives forever - if we're lucky!!

S x

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