Friday 14 October 2011

And we're off......

Scan this morning and all the follicles are gone, so we're good to go for IUI attempt number 2.

Had the crabby nurse again today and this time she didn't even tell hubby to come through for the scan, just left him sitting on the other side of the curtain.  He didn't really miss anything though because she was done in two minutes and just said "all the follicles are gone" and that was it.  Still, I'm pleased thing are all ok and we aren't going to have to miss a month of treatment.  Because I did my last injection with the nurse, I can do them all at home now which is much easier as means a hell of a lot less trips to the hospital.  I've got three Gonal-F injections home to do tomorrow, Monday and Wednesday then it's back to the hospital for another scan on Thursday. It should really be Friday for the scan, but because it's the weekend it has to be a day earlier.  Just have to hope that the follicles are ready on Thursday to allow the IUI to happen on Friday, otherwise it'll be another abandoned cycle as I know that I'll OV naturally over next weekend.

So, all being well we should hopefully only have between 1-3 follicles this time as I'm not taking clomid this month, just the Gonal-F injections.  Really hope that things go well this time as I really don't want to have another abandoned cycle.

Oh, just remembered something I asked the nurse too.  I've always had pretty light AF's but it's never bothered me until we started TTC and I was starting to wonder if it was an issue.  I kept forgetting to ask, but when I asked today she said it shouldn't be a problem as all my tests were totally normal and the lining of my womb looks ok too.  So, seems I'm just a bit strange and should just enjoy having a 1 day AF instead of the 5-7 days most people seem to have.

S x

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