Monday 24 October 2011

Death of a Legend

I'm an emotional person normally, but honestly when I'm injecting I'm a total wreck and the sad news yesterday all but tipped me over the edge.

After our IUI on Friday we had a very quiet weekend and I just took things easy.  Yesterday was our MotoGP day, so we were up early as it was in Malaysia.  The 125cc and Moto2 races went off ok, then the GP started.  All was well for the warm up lap, then the race proper started and in only the second lap of the race the most awful thing I have ever witnessed happened - Marco Simoncelli lost control of his bike, veered across the track and two other riders (Colin Edwards and Valentino Rossi) ran over him.  All of a sudden there were three bikes flying into the gravel trap, with Vale still on his, Edwards on the ground - and Simo flying across the track, face down and worst of all without his helmet on.  I have honestly never felt so sick as I did when I saw him without his helmet on lying on the track not moving.

The race was immediately red flagged (stopped) and the medical teams rushed to Simo and Edwards.  Vale was able to ride back to the pits and seemed to be unhurt.  We knew it wasn't going to be good news, but we were keeping everything crossed that because he was a fit strong young guy he'd be ok.  Race direction decided that they'd restart the race at 4.30pm - 9.30am BST - but just after that time they announced that although Marco had regained consciousness, they were abandoning the race to allow the medical teams to concentrate on him.

All filming stopped at the point, so we were checking non-stop on line to find out what was happening - only to find out at 10am that Marco had died four minutes earlier.  I'm not a person who gets upset by celebrity deaths, but as soon as I saw that the tears started and I just couldn't stop them.  I just can't believe that he's dead, which sounds really stupid considering I didn't even know the guy I know, but for some reason his death just knocked me sideways.  For the rest of the day there were tributes and statements released about Marco's death, and eventually I had to stop readying them because every time I did I'd start to cry again.

Even today, listening to the obituary that's been done on the BBC website for Marco I had tears running down my face and just couldn't stop them.  My heart really goes out to all his family, and to his close friend Valentino Rossi who must be devastated that not only has his friend gone, but he was actually involved in the crash that resulted in his death.  I know they'll be kind of forgotten because everyone will be so consumed with thinking of Marco's family, but I feel so much for Vale and for Colin Edwards (who sustained a dislocated shoulder in the crash) who will no doubt be tearing themselves apart, even although there was nothing they could have done to avoid Marco.

They will have to live with the fact that they were involved - through no fault of their own - in Marco's death.  I just hope that they realise that it wasn't either of their faults and that no one blames them in the slightest for what happened - it was a completely freak accident with devastating consequences.

It really makes you realise how frigile life is.

Caio Marco, you'll never been forgotten and always be remembered as the champion you are #58

S x

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