Saturday 8 October 2011


Well, we're now at 16 days past ovulation - and no sign of AF as yet.  I haven't tested yet as I'm sure it's just AF playing funny beggars and she'll arrive soon, but I am slightly worried because of the number of follicles I had just after OV.

I have been pretty hormonal all week this week, more so that when I was actually taking the drugs.  So much so that while I was telling my sister about our failed cycle the other day on the phone, I got upset and couldn't speak anymore but when I handed the phone to hubby he was really stroppy about it and I totally lost it and shouted at him that he was a "fcuking d*ck" and stormed upstairs!!!  I never every say anything like that to him, so can only imagine that it's the drugs making me a nutcase!!  We didn't speak all day yesterday, but we seem to have made up a bit now thankfully because I hate it when we're not speaking.

I knew all of the treatment would be stressful, but this is the first time really that I've realised quite how much of a hormone monster it turns you into.  Fingers crossed that when I start the next lot of drugs it won't be as bad as I'll be taking less this time.

S x

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