Thursday 13 October 2011

And so it begins again!!

AF decided to show up five days late on Monday, and to be honest I was quite glad because I don't really do waiting very well!! lol  I was prepared for it being a killer AF because from what I can see on line it seems that the drugs do make it heavier and the cramping worse.  I had one day of killer cramps on Monday - to the point I could barely walk up right - but after that it got better and by Tuesday night I was fine.

It's a bit strange though, and I need to try and remember to ask at the FC, but my AF's only last 24 hours at a push.  Every test I've had done has come back fine (HSG, bloods etc) but I can't help thinking that there must be something wrong that I only have a 1 day AF when most people seem to have 5 days or more.  I know I shouldn't really complain, but it does worry me slightly.

Anyway, I spoke to the nurses on Monday and I've to go for yet another date with the dildo-cam tomorrow.  Because I over stimulated last month, they need to scan me to check that there aren't any follicles left over that haven't been reabsorbed.  If they've all gone, then great and I'll start injecting myself on Saturday (CD5) and continue every other day until I go back for a scan on CD11.  If they aren't gone then we won't be allowed to start the next IUI cycle and we'll have to miss a month - which wouldn't be great.

So, keep your fingers crossed that it's all good at the scan tomorrow and we can get started on the lovely process all over again.

S x

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