Saturday 15 October 2011


Night one of doing the injections all on my own at home, and I think it went pretty well for my first go considering it's been a few weeks since I did the one in front of the nurse.

I think I pressed the needle in a bit too hard, because I've got a bit of bruising appearing around it but I can live with that.  It's so much easier to be able to do them at home too instead of having to trail up to the hospital every time too.  I don't think hubby is very keen on it though, because I was doing it sitting next to him and he kept his head turned away! lol  Goodness knows how he'd be if he had to inject himself or if I couldn't do it and he had to inject me!!

Before you start treatment and see all the bits and pieces that you have to take home in order to do your injections, it can be quite worrying because you don't know what to expect.  I posted a picture of my "goody bag" before, but I thought I'd post a picture of the actual injection pack for anyone who hasn't started treatment yet.  Sometimes when you know what to expect it's not quite as scary.

The pink needle is the big one you use to inject the liquid into the vial and then draw it up again, and the red needle is the one you use to actually inject yourself.  Don't worry though, once you've seen them both there is no way you'd mix them up because the pink one is HUGE!!! lol  You'd certainly know all about it if you tried to stick that one into your tummy!!

It sounds a bit strange, but I was actually looking forward to starting my injections today because it makes it feels as though you're doing something proactive for a change.  Last cycle when I was injecting the Gonal F I didn't have any side effects really other than a bit of bloating after the third injection.  The one thing I did find with it though was that it made me sleep really well - which I wasn't expecting at all!!!  Fingers crossed that's one side effect I get again this cycle!!!

S x

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