Friday 21 October 2011

The Closest We've Ever Been to Being Pregnant

After an almost sleepless night last night - think I got about two hours sleep - we were back at the FC this morning for hubby to hand in his sample.  We were at a bit of a lose end when we got home, and I think the biggest fear we both had was that we'd get a phone call to say that hubby's sample wasn't good enough to use and we'd have to abandon another cycle.

Thankfully though, we were worrying for nothing.  We went back to the FC at midday and when I asked the nurse she said the sample was slightly low, but perfectly adequate for IUI.  It was back on the table and into the stirrups (do you know I don't even get embarrassed any more) for the actual IUI to take place.  The scientist from the lab came in with the prepared sample, and after loads of checks to confirm it was ours the nurse got started.

I'd read on line it was a bit like having a smear done, and it was I guess.  The nurse inserts a speculum as you have done at a smear, then she puts a thin catheter into your uterus and injects the first sample there.  She then moves the catheter and inserts another sample at the opening to the cervix (the first is the "best" of the sample and the second is the rest)  And that's it, all done.  We were left in the room for five minutes with the table tipped up slightly, then just got ready and went home.  I haven't actually OV'd yet, but it should be tonight or tomorrow morning and hubby's commando's will be sitting there waiting on the egg arriving.

One the nurse was finished and hubby and I were just sitting together on our own, I started to feel really emotional and had to stop myself from crying especially when hubby leaned over, kissed me and told me he loved me.  I didn't think it would effect me that way, but I guess when you think about it today could be the day when our baby is conceived.  I'm trying really hard not to think that way though and to keep reminding myself that there is a very good chance it won't work, but just the odd time it's nice to dream a little and think that maybe, just maybe it'll be our turn for a miracle.

S x

1 comment:

  1. Oh S, this post has really brought a tear to my eye, right from the part where R leaned over. I really hope this is it for you, will be thinking of you for the next couple of weeks x
