Saturday 25 August 2012

Second Follicle Scan and THE phonecall!

So it was back to the hospital again today for yet another encounter with the dildo-cam – we really are becoming way too familiar with each other – and to check on how the follicles are doing.  The clinic was running really late this morning and we didn’t get taken until 40 minutes after our appointment time. When we went in it was straight to the scan room, and I was surprised to see Helen who did a talk at the fertility group was the nurse I had today as I haven’t had her before.   She had a look at my lining and took measurement from the follicles then turned the screen around to show us what she could see – the lining was nice and thick and there were around 26 follicles which were big enough to measure and a bunch of smaller ones!!!  She said they were growing well and a couple were already at 17mm which is where they want them to be for ICSI.  She said that I’d probably trigger either Monday or Tuesday night, but to make an appointment for Wednesday for another scan just in case I needed it and to make sure I took a trigger away with me for when I need it.

After that we sat back in the waiting room to wait on a nurse calling us in, and thankfully it wasn’t too much longer to wait before she did.  We went in and she took my bloods, then she gave me enough Gonal F to last until Wednesday and a trigger shot (Ovetrille) to take when I needed it.  She said they’d have a look at my bloods when they came back, and if I was to trigger they’d call me and if not to come for the scan on Wednesday.

So back to work I went and hubby went home to bed as he’d been night-shift last night.  I did sneakily check for my blood results, but they weren’t in so  I wasn’t sure if I’d get a call or not.  However, at around 3pm my phone rang and it was the nurse from the hospital to tell me the next step.  We’d been hoping that EC would be Friday as hubby was night shift Tuesday/Wednesday night, but she said my bloods indicated that they couldn’t leave me that long so EC was booked for Thursday morning.  I had to take my Gonal F and snuff as normal today and tomorrow, then at 8.15pm (exactly – they’re very clear it has to be exactly then) I had to inject my trigger and then not take any other drugs after that.  I had a drug free day on Wednesday, then into the hospital for 8.30am on Thursday for our collection.
It’s scary now that things seem to be happening really quickly, and EC is the bit I’m most worried about as I’m convinced that when they take the follicles out there won’t be any eggs in them(there’s nothing to indicate that should be the case, just me being my usual worry-wort self!)  However, there isn’t a hell of a lot I can do about it anyway and we’ll just have to see what Thursday brings.

S x

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