Saturday, 25 August 2012

Phoning the Lab

I was awake at the crack of dawn this morning, partly because one of my dogs has an inability to sleep beyond 6am and partly because I knew I had to phone the lab today to find out if any of our eggs had fertilized.

It was a hell of a long wait until I could phone, and of course it dragged in, but finally it was time and I could phone.  I was shaking like a leaf and could barely dial the number, but I got through and the girl I spoke to put me on hold until she went to check what was happening.  Out of the 18 eggs we had collected, 12 were mature and were injected with hubby’s sperm yesterday – and today we have 8 embryos!!!!!  I was so relieved I could barely finish the phone call and the second I hung up I burst into tears! 

I had been speaking to my friend by e-mail all morning, but I couldn’t tell her the news until I woke hubby up to tell him (the stress seems to be making him sleep a lot so I’d let him sleep while I phoned)   As soon as I went up with his coffee, the first thing he said when he opened his eyes was “have you phoned?  Did it work?!?!”  and I was so happy to tell him we have 8 potential babies waiting on us in the lab.  Then I was able to text my friend and my mum and tell them too, and honest my friend was as excited as I was!! Lol

Now it’s just waiting and hoping they all keep going strong until we get back to them tomorrow and if we’re really lucky we might even get a few to freeze in case we need to try again.

S x

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