Saturday 18 August 2012

A new found respect for chickens!!

I’ve been stimming for 7 days today – and have discovered a new found respect for chickens as I feel so full.  My tummy has been getting more and more uncomfortable and bloated, and the only thing that seems to help is sitting with a hot water bottle on it all the time – which isn’t great when you’re already having hot flushes!!! Lol

I’m hanging onto the thought that it must be a good sign and hopefully means I’m growing plenty of follicles/eggs in there.  Keep having to go to the loo too, which I think is a combination of drinking so much water to try and fend of OHSS and everything in there being a bit squashed because of my ovaries.

Feels like Friday is taking an age to come around.  I’m torn between wanting everything to be ready on Friday and going for EC on Monday, or wanting things to need a few days extra as EC at the end of the week would be better as hubby wouldn’t be coming off a nightshift when he has to do his part.  Ideally, if EC was on Thursday and ET on Saturday we’d be sorted as he’s not working the night before either of those, but in all probability it’ll be either Monday or Wednesday which means he either has to try and get a swap (not likely) or take a night unpaid leave which we really can’t afford just now when we’re going on holiday next month!! 

I guess there’s nothing I can do though but just wait and see what happens on Friday and take it from there.

S x

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