Saturday 18 August 2012

Follicle scan

Today was the day we found out how I was responding to the medication and the first chance to find out how the cycle will pan out.  Our appointment today was at 8.45am, but surprise surprise they were running late as usual!!!  I have to say though, the clinic was so busy it wasn't really a surprise they were running a bit late.

So first up this morning was more bloods being taken to check my hormone levels. (One of the perks of working in a hospital is that you can check the results as soon as they're done, so I was able to see that mine had gone from less than 70 on baseline scan day, to over 2500 today!!)  After that it was back out to the waiting room, then after a while we were called into the scan room.  One of the nurses was one we'd had before, and the first thing she did was comment on my hair (I've dyed it bright red just now)  She chatted away while she scanned and another nurse wrote down the measurements, then she turned the screen around to show us what was happening.  She showed me the lining of my uterus, which was measuring 8.7mm and she told me that was really good and by the time we got for egg collection it should have thickened up even more.  Next she showed me my right ovary and said there were roughly 11 follicles that were 10mm or more (they don't measure the smaller ones) and some smaller ones too.  I told her I was sure there was more happening in my left ovary than my right, and when she moved the scan to that one she said I was right and there were 12 follicles all around 12mm and a whole bunch of smaller ones too!!  They were very happy with that, and said it's good they're all around the same size as it means they'll mature at the same time, and they'd like me to keep stimming over the weekend and to go back on Monday for another scan.

After that we went back to the waiting room again, then we were called in to see a nurse in the treatment room to get more meds to tide us over until Monday when we go back.  She gave me another 450iu pen, which will keep me going until Monday morning and we'll know at that that scan if we're going for egg collection on Wednesday, or if they want me to go back the next day for another scan.

All in all things seem to be progressing right on course, and now I can move onto my next worry which is that when they retrieve the follicles that there won't be any eggs in them!!  I know that I'm being a bit irrational thinking that, as there hasn't been anything in any of my test results to indicate that it would be the case, but I think during this whole thing you just move from worrying about one thing to the next at each stage!!

S x

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