Saturday 18 August 2012

P-day plus 1 week

Well, it’s been over a week now since my pro-stap so thought I should update for those of you who are using this as a guide to what to expect (Carrie!!!lol)

The day after the injection I had the most horrendous hot flush!!!  I was at M&S for some shopping, and when I got back into the car I suddenly started sweating buckets!!  I ended up with sweat running down my face (nice, eh!!) and had to drive home minus my t-shirt and in bare feet to try and cool down before I passed out!!!  Thankfully it passed after a while, and a good half hour standing on the cold tiles in the kitchen!!! 

Since then the flushes have been fine, just the odd one here and there but nothing that I really notice too much.  I haven’t even been crabby either – which has come as a surprise to both me and hubby, although I think he’s very relieved!!   I don’t know if I’ve just been lucky, and maybe if I have another cycle I’ll be in for a shock and will have all the side effects, but I’m so relieved it’s been a bit easier than I was expecting it to be as there’s still a long way to go on this journey!!

I decided this week that hubby and I needed some time out from everything, so I managed to arrange for my cousin to come and stay at the house to look after the zoo and secretly booked a weekend away for us both.  I even managed to pack all our things without hubby realising – only for him to go into the boot of the car as we were leaving to go and see the suitcase!!!!  He never puts anything in the boot, always just throws it on the back seat, but that was my surprise rumbled!!! Lol  Anyway, we didn’t go far as I just booked somewhere that had a good deal as we didn’t have a lot of spare cash – so we actually stayed at the hotel where our gym is!!!  That might sound a bit mad to you, but the plan was to just chill out and do nothing, so really it didn’t matter where we went as we weren’t planning on sightseeing or anything. 

We had a lovely time just chilling out, and to my surprise AF showed up when she was expected, even although I’d been warned the pro-stap could make her late/heavier.  The only thing different was that I had really bad cramps, but my wonderful hubby went to the local supermarket and bought me a hot water bottle which helped no end!!!

Not long to go now until I go back for my baseline scan, fingers crossed everything is looking good and we can get gong on the next stage.

S x

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