Sunday 15 July 2012

6 Days to go!!

So we officially start our first cycle in SIX days time - how scary is that after all the waiting around!!!  You'd think I'd just be excited but the closer it's getting the more worried I am about it.  Going on the IUI though I'm sure once I start injecting I'll be better as it gives you something to focus on and you feel like you're actually doing something.

There hasn't really been anything major going on in the last couple of weeks, just plodding along and killing time until we start.  Today was a bit of a wobbly day for me though.  Hubby and I took Dad's car out for a drive (he's still not able to drive after being ill) and decided to get a coffee and sit in the park drinking it to let the car run and charge the battery.  We parked in the car park beside the beach, and it really hit me when I saw all the families with young kids playing and feeding the swans.  I had that awful aching feeling in my heart that I've not had for a long long time, and I thought I was past that and must have come to terms with the fact that we might never get to be like that - but it seems not.  It took all my effort not to cry, but the feeling did pass eventually and hopefully it won't come back for a while.

So this week is shaping up like this:  Thursday is acupuncture with Maureen then Saturday is pro-stap.  I've arranged with one of the girls from the support group to go to the cinema on Saturday evening, so that'll give me something to look forward to while I'm at the hospital.  We're going to see Magic Mike so a proper girly film which should be a laugh.

S x

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