Wednesday 4 July 2012

The first time I've been glad to see the Witch!!!

And she even had the decency to arrive early!!!!  I wasn't expecting her until tomorrow, but she arrived on Saturday night (so counts as Sunday really) which meant I could get on the phone the the hospital for an appointment to go for my pro-stap injection.

It took me a while to get through, and I was starting to worry that I might be too late and wouldn't get an appointment but finally someone answered the phone!!!  My appointment is on 21st July and I've to go to the ACS unit to have my injection done.  I'm assuming I'll be in and out so trying not to think about too much, although I can't say I'm feeling the same way at the thought of the side-effects.

The pro-stap injection basically puts your body into the menopause, so you get the same symptoms - sweats, mood swings, sore boobs etc.  I'm hoping that I won't be too bad with it as I haven't been too bad int he past when I was on meds, but who knows and I guess the only way to find out is to wait and see.  After the injection it should take roughly two weeks (ish) for me to have a bleed then I go back for my first scan, blood tests and to collect my meds on 9th August.

After so long trying to get pregnant and then the long wait to get to the top of the list, it feels like things are motoring along now and it's quite scary.  I'm not worried about the scans/injections etc, more that this is our last chance of having a baby and if it doesn't work I'll have to find a way to deal with that reality.

Since tomorrow is the first Thursday of the month, I'm off to my IF support group again, which I'm really looking forward to as we have a lady coming to speak to us from the hospital we all attend.  She's a PGD (Pre Genetic Diagnosis) expert, so I'm not sure whether the talk will be just about that or about IVF in general, but I'm not bothered really as it'll be fab speaking to someone who knows all the ins and outs.  Before tomorrow's meeting I'm meeting up with one of the girls for a coffee and a natter. I've only met C once at the group, but we've been chatting a lot by e-mail and we get on really well.  She's such an easy person to talk to and it's great having someone who understands what you're going through and how you feel.

Friday is also my second acupuncture session (busy week for me this week) with Maureen as she wanted to see me when AF arrived again.  I'm actually looking forward to it for some weird reason, maybe it's because it's a time that's just about me and nothing else.  When AF arrived I started taking the herbs Maureen gave me last time, no effects from them but I'm hoping the help things a bit anyway.

S x

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