Thursday 5 January 2012

IUI attempt ........ who knows!!!!

It was a pretty quiet Christmas and New Year for us, which was fine by me to be honest.  Hubby and I had his parents on Christmas Day for dinner, then the younger of my boys and I went to my parents on Boxing Day (hubby was ill in bed and the older boy was at his girlfriends)  A huge row aside on Christmas night and it was a pretty nice time.

I went to see the surgeon about my leg on the 4th, which sadly didn't go as well as I'd hoped.  He's decided that it's not going to get better since the steroid injection didn't work, so he wants to operate.  It won't be until around Easter time, so now I'm worrying that it'll clash with our IVF and that's not something I want to have to deal with because how do I decide which one to put off?!?!?  Anyway, I'll cross that bridge if/when I get to it rather than worrying about it just now.

I also went to the FC for a baseline scan on the same day, and thankfully that went better.  There were some small follicles left on each ovary but the nurse said that was ok and we were good to go on our next attempt.  I'm onto daily injections this time to try and control my OV a bit more, so although I like doing them because I feel like I'm doing something I'm not looking forward to doing it every single day.  This month I have two injections at 150iu and three at 75iu - hormonal anyone?!?!?!?!!?  I've already warned the girl I work with so she's well prepared!! lol

I had some amazing news from an on-line friend today.  She had IVF a few weeks ago for the second time after she had a MC following her first successful IVF, and today was her 7 week scan.  She just posted about it - and they're having TWINS!!!!  They had two embies put back, and both have implanted.  As you can imagine she's over the moon, and for the first time in a long time I can say I'm truly delighted to say that about someone else's pregnancy!!!

Who knows, maybe one day soon it'll be our turn to share such amazing news with everyone?!??!?!

S x

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh, what a hard decision you'll have to make :-/

    So happy about her news! Hope we can hear the same from you soon too, hun. Good luck with your next round *hugs*

