Sunday 15 January 2012

Another bump in the road - and not the good kind of bump either!

Well, another abandoned cycle due to over responding to the drugs,  Can't say I was totally surprised as it seems to be becoming a bit of a habit with us, but it still didn't stop me being upset about it (was horrified when I burst into tears while I was still in with the nurse)  This time I had nine follicles ranging from 11mm-15mm, and the nurse expected at least 5 of them to mature and OV, and as we can only proceed with a max of 3 follicles it means another waste of time.

The worst bit was that after the daily injections my tummy had become a bit of a mess and was pretty sore (so much so that the last injection was agony which has never happened before) which made it so much worse when it was all for nothing.  Not a lot I can do about it though, although I would have thought that after 1 complete cycle and three abandoned ones they'd have a better idea of what the hell they were doing with the drugs.

Hubby hates that it upsets me so much each time it goes wrong, so he suggested giving up with the IUI now and just holding out for IVF in a few months.  I can see where he's coming from, and in a way I'd love to stop now and have a break for a few months, however ask anyone who has been a LTTTCer and they'll tell you that all the upset and disappointment is better than sitting back and doing nothing.  After speaking to some other long termers and asking their opinion, speaking to hubby and doing a lot of thinking, I think we've agreed we'll give it one more go then that's the end of our IUI attempts.  It'll mean a couple of months off from treatment, which I'm sure I'll find hard, but at least it'll give my body a break from all the drugs for a bit before it's over loaded when we start IVF.

In a way it's probably a good thing it was cancelled this time as it would have meant AF being due on my birthday, whereas OVing on my own means AF should be due the day after instead which I'm happier with (notice that I don't even give consideration that we could have done it on our own - oh to be back to being nieve and thinking you got pregnant just by having sex once!!lol)

So, a couple of weeks of trying to relax and wishing all the follicles away before going back for another scan and hopefully starting the next and last cycle of IUI.

S x

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