Monday 20 June 2011

Another Hospital Visit - Not a FC One

Well I had to go and see the Orthopeadic Surgeon today at the local hospital.  I've been on crutches for five months after developing Bursitis in my hip, but nothing so far has cured it.  I've had two steroid injections, goodness knows how many anti-inflammatories and painkillers and even tried reflexology, but nothing has helped it at all.  I've been stuck in the house this whole time too, which is not a good thing as I'm a terrible patient!!  I did try to go back to work a few weeks ago, but lasted a whole two hours before my lab manager sent me home again. 

So, off I trotted to the hospital this morning with the hope that they'd do something to stop the pain and let me get my life back.  However, seems the NHS has a different idea about that!!!  The surgeon was a total plank and was rude from the minute he came into the room - didn't listen to a thing I said, talked over me and then actually threw - yes threw - the blanket I'd had covering my legs at me when he was finished looking at my leg.  My husband was actually on the verge of saying something to him, which says a lot because he never does anything like that.

The upshot is that he basically said he's not doing the operation I need because he doesn't belive in it!!  If I need it done, I'll have to be ref'd onto another hospital for the surgeon there to do it for me.  I've to go for an MRI scan before he'll decide what's to happen, so that's another three months of waiting around in pain for them to get me in for that.

So now I need to try and get back to work - partly because I'm bored silly and partly because I just can't afford to go onto half pay - no matter how much pain I'm in.  Not looking forward to it in the slightest I must say, although it'll be good to get out of the house again.

On the plus side though, being in pain the last several months has meant that I've put the whole IVF thing to the back of my mind and we're now 3 months closer to starting treatment!!

S x

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