Saturday 12 May 2012

Two week wait - of a different kind!

The two week wait (TWW) is normally the worst part of any cycle and the time when you can actually drive yourself insane with wondering "what if...."  After TTC for so long I don't even bother with the TWW any more, however this week I have a more exciting TWW going on;

It's now two weeks today until our IVF appointment!!!

It's also almost seven weeks since my surgery, and although it's still taking longer than I'd like I'm slowly starting to be able to do more and I'm hoping that by my appointment in two weeks I'll be walking a lot better than I can manage just now.

It's exciting to think that we're almost ready to start on the next part of our journey, but at the same time it's terrifying as this is the final step on our TTC journey and if the treatment doesn't work it means learning to accept that we can't have children.  I know I shouldn't really think about that part just yet, but after so much disappointment it's hard not to look at the negatives all the time.  For a while I've known there was a support group in our area set up by Infertility UK, but didn't really feel ready to go because we were stuck in limbo waiting for IVF.  I decided this would be the month I would go (plus it gave me an excuse to get out the house a bit while I'm still stuck so much) as I'm sure once we start treatment again I'm going to need all the support I can get without putting everything onto hubby.  It wasn't a busy night (they knew not many would be along beforehand) but it was so nice to meet people who were so open and honest about treatment and how they were feeling.  I didn't really talk much other than telling them where we were at just now, but next month I'll have more to talk about (and I'm sure many more questions) as we'll have had our first appointment by then.

Although this appointment is really just for bloods to be done, it's still a major step on the road as it's our first "official" IVF appointment.  Next months appointment will be a lot more of a big deal as it'll be when we find out what protocol we'll be on and when we'll actually be starting!!!

S x

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