Friday 12 August 2011

RESULT (not of the BFP kind sadly)

So, last month I decided to phone our local FC and find out where we were on the IUI list with them.  The consultant told us that the chances of IUI actually working for us is pretty slim, but in his opinion it's worth a shot while we're waiting on the IVF list.
So, I spoke to one of the nurses last month who checked the list and told me we were 11th on it.  She estimated that we'd roughly be at the top in around 3/4 months.  Two days ago (and two years to the day since we started TTC) I suddenly decided to call the FC again to ask where we were on the list.  My thinking was that I could see how far up the list we'd gone in a month, then that would let me work out better a rough date when we should be about ready to start treatment.

So, again I spoke to the nurse and she checked the list to see where we were on it - only to come back and tell me we were at the top!!!!  Anyone who knows me knows how much I like to talk, and I swear when she said that it was the one time in my whole life that I was actually stuck for words - I just sat on the phone in total shock.  After getting myself together a bit, I managed to find out from her that basically we'll get a letter out to go for counselling, then following that we're good to go on my next cycle.  She checked my test results, and I haven't had an AMH done so she booked me in and I've to go on Tuesday next week to have blood taken for it as the results can take a couple of weeks to come back.

Having calmed down enough to think about things logically, my thinking is that with AF being due next week and allowing time for the counselling and any other appointments we need, we should be starting IUI in mid September - THAT'S ONE MONTH AWAY!!!!
Although I know the basics of IUI - DH's sperm will be washed and inserted into my uterus with a catheter exactly at OV - the ins and outs aren't totally clear to me yet.  I know that it could be either a medicated (the same sort of thing as IVF where you take drugs to mature the follicles then have a trigger shot to induce OV) or non medicated cycle where you OV normally.  Either way I need to have bloods taken and scans carried out throughout the whole process to check things are progressing as they should and to monitor when I OV to  almost the minute to make sure we have the best chance of fertilization.

I just hope that we get lucky again with DH's sample and it's a good one with plenty of swimmers.  I'm being realistic (well, I'm trying to be) because I know that with the problems we're dealing with IUI isn't the best treatment, but I'm still going to keep everything crossed that maybe, just maybe we'll be one of the lucky ones and won't have to go as far as IVF.

It's just as well I've been on a bit of a health kick recently (diet wise anyway because my hip is still playing up so I'm not able to get back to exercise yet) and now it's stepping up just a little bit more to make sure my body is ready if our miracle does happen soon.  Even DH is being really good at taking his vitamins every day to encourage good swimmers to grow - and that's a feat in itself because normally I have to force him to take them!! lol

I'm sure I'll be posting her more often now that things are actually starting to happen for us, to record our journey, maybe help anyone else about to start down the same road - but mainly because sometimes it's easier to write how you feel than it is to say it out loud, and that does help keep me sane!!!

S x

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