Thursday 19 April 2012

The letter finally arrived!!!

After 12 and a half months on the waiting list, the letter finally arrived to tell us that we're at the top of the list to start treatment!!!

Our first appointment is on 26th May for blood tests/swabs, then we go back on 25th June to have the results, do consents and get our treatment dates.  All being well we should be starting our first IVF(ICSI) cycle in July, which is a bit longer than we were expecting to wait but given my recent surgery it's not a bad thing to give me time to be back on my feet 100%.

So, now I have a date to work toward to get myself fit again and be ready to give our first go our best shot.

S x

P.S. We also found out on the letter that we actually get three cycles on the NHS rather than the two we thought we'd get - another yey!!!!

Monday 9 April 2012

Leg Surgery now done.....

.... and I'm in agony!!

I was admitted last Tuesday, and then spent the whole day waiting until I was finally taken down to surgery at 3pm.  Seems that the ortho team like to have their patients scared whitless before they operate though, as I spent another hour and a half sitting in the waiting bit of theatre before I was finally taken through to the theatre for my op to start.

I didn't find out until the next day what had happened (it was exploratory surgery) but the surgeon came to see me and told me that they'd reattached and lengthened the tendon, reattached the muscle in my thigh to the bone (apparently the surgeon could fit his hand between the muscle and the bone) and removed the bursa as it was inflamed.  I was a bit shocked I have to say, as I'd started to think the pain was all in my mind as after 15 months of tests nothing had shown up.

I'm now almost two weeks post surgery, and the wound is healing well (aside from the bad infection I managed to have two days after getting home from hospital that is)  The pain is starting to get a lot more manageable too, which is great, and I just hope it's almost the end of a very painful few months for me now it's all sorted.  I still have another 4 weeks of not being allowed to walk on my leg, then it's back to the surgeon to see how it's healing and to find out if I can start walking on it again or not.  I plan on working really hard at getting back to 100%, so hopefully in a couple of months I'll be back to (better than) normal and can start getting on with my life again and looking forward (?) to starting IVF.

S x