Sunday 25 March 2012

A milestone and some other updates

Well, as of 7th March we're officially top of the IVF(ICSI) waiting list - woo hoo!!!!  To be honest the actual date doesn't mean much as although that's the date you go on the list from nothing happens then.

After some prompting from my friend Lynn, I caved and called up the clinic (just to check you understand, nothing to do with me being impatient or paranoid that they'd forget me!) and they confirmed that we are top of the list and will be taken off the list at the end of the month when they do the waiting list.  The nurse said we will receive our pack mid-April with an initial appointment for more tests (which is always a Saturday apparently for some reason) and another appointment roughly 3 weeks after that for results, consents to be signed and to get a date to start treatment.  Fingers crossed it's a bit earlier than July though, goodness knows how I'll manage to wait another 3 months if I have to!!

The other thing going on just now isn't TTC related, although I did think it might impact on the start of our IVF but thankfully looks like it won't.  I went for my pre-op for the surgery I've been waiting for on my leg, and was really surprised when they said I was being admitted on Tuesday for it!!!  I'm pleased because I've done nothing but worry about it since then, and if it'd been a few weeks off I think I'd have made myself ill waiting.  So, I'm being admitted to the hospital I work in tomorrow at 7.30am but hoping that I won't have to stay overnight and will manage to get home again the same day.  The surgeon still hasn't fully decided what's actually causing the pain, so a lot depends on what he does and how much pain I'm in.  All I do know is that I'll be back on crutches again for at least 6 weeks, but other than that it's just a wait and see thing really.  After 15 months of being in pain I'm just glad something is happening and fingers crossed it'll stop after this.

So, a lot going on in the next few weeks to keep me busy and while away some more time waiting for fertility treatment - it's amazing how good you get at that!! lol

S x

1 comment:

  1. So sorry the IUI didn't work for you, but fingers crossed the IVF will :) x
