Tuesday 31 May 2011

Making Plans for the Year

On 11th May we went to the IVF clinic in GRI to meet with the Dr who will be dealing with us throughout our treatment. His name was Dr Lani and he is by far the nicest of any of the FC people we've been dealing with. He really took time to go through everything we've had done so far and he was also the first person to actually explain the results of the latest SA to us (even to the point of showing us the analysis and explaining each part to us)

So the upshot of the appointment is that we're now on the waiting listfor IVF (woo hoo) and we've been told that we should expect to start treatment in March next year (2012)  There is a chance we could start earlier due to people who get pregnant naturally or decide they don't want to go ahead with treatment, but we've decided that it'll be March 2012 and then anything before that will be a bonus.

For the moment we've decided that we're not going to go ahead with private treatment (egg-sharing or other wise)  We know that we're entitled to two cycles of treatment on the NHS, so our plan is to wait until then to start any treatment and if those don't work then we'll self-fund further treatment.  Our main reason for this is that it'll give us a year a year or so to clear any outstanding debts we have (not many but having none would be better) and save as much as possible so that if we are eventually blessed with an addition to the family then we'll be in a good financial position. 

So, now I need to come up with some plans/activities to keep me busy for the next 9/10 months or so in order not to go completely mad - well madder than I am already!!!  I know in the grand scheme of things it's not really that long, but anyone who is a long term TTCer will tell you that every month seems like a lifetime when you're not getting pregnant.

I have a complete obsession with VW campervans (split screen ones of course) but sadly at around £20000 for a half decent one they are just way too expensive for me to get one for the foreseeable future - lottery win aside of course.  So having spoken to hubby about it again we're going to save up some pennies and buy ourselves a camper!   It won't be the kind I would love, but to be honest I'll settle with any campervan if it means us being able to get away more.  The best bit is that with a camper, we can travel abroad and even go to some MotoGP's (motorbike grand prix for anyone who isn't into it) which means I might, just might, get to catch a glimpse of my "other" man  - the gorgeous Valentino Rossi **swoon**

So that's one thing on the list to keep my busy in the next fews months, which means being a bit more frugal in order to save up enough cash for a nice one asap.  I am going to attempt to put TTC out of my mind totally for the next while and focus on other things for a change.  It's about time I got the bit of my life TTC has been taking up back I think.

S x

Tuesday 3 May 2011

An up and down week

As happens often (make that very very often) when you've been TTC for a long time, I've had a bit of an up and down week this week.

Sunday afternoon hubby and I went to my sister's house for a BBQ (since the weather was lovely) but yet again hubby and I ended up arguing and going home early.
Long story short, he didnt' speak to me all night then went off to work nightshift without even saying goodbye - which we have never done as long as we've been together.  I got really upset and decided it was a good idea to have a glass of wine.  Now I don't drink very often, but an hour later the whole bottle was gone and I was sitting on the sofa crying my eyes out and debating going upstairs to pack my things and leave.  I was on FB speaking to friends, and spoke to a friend I met in horrible circumstances (we were both raped and met on a survivors forum)  We haven't spoken much in a while over a stupid falling out, but as has happened many times in the past, I ended up pouring out everything that's been going on to her. 

I eventually fell into bed - and I mean fell - and woke up the next day feeling a whole lot better about everything.  Hubby came home and we made up again which helped too.

Since then Mum has been in hospital for an op, so I've had something else to focus on/worry about which means not so much dwelling on things.  Speaking to a friend (virtual one but someone I class as a good friend) tonight on FB I decided to tell her about the whole egg-sharing thing as the only other person I've spoken to about it is my Mum.  It was so nice to have someone to share it with and she was so supportive about the whole thing (and wants to be kept updated)  Even better - one of her friends went with egg-sharing too and now has twin girls and is willing to talk to me about it all!!!  I'm so happy that I can ask all the niggling questions I have before we commit to it 100% and the answers will come from someone who's been there - not some Doctor or nurse who doesn't know how it actually feels to go through it.

All in all I'm feeling a lot clearer about the next step on our path to having a baby and hopefully before long we'll have all the tests and appointments we need to get started on treatment.

S x