Monday 25 April 2011

A little bit about us

The best place to start is at the beginning, so here we go .....

My husband and I had been married for a year when we decided to start trying for a baby of our own.  My husband has two kids from a previous marriage, so this would be his third child and my first.
It is drummed into you while you're young that having unprotected sex = getting pregnant, but what they never tell you is that for some people it isn't as straight forward as all that.

I stopped taking my birth control pills in August 2009, naively thinking that we'd more than likely be pregnant by Christmas (I was actually so confident that I bought I dress for my sister's wedding the following July that would accommodate a bump!)  Christmas came and went and we were still no closer to being pregnant.  A few months later I decided that I'd go and see our GP and have some tests carried out to check things were all working as they should be.

I had the usual blood tests carried out which all showed that I ovulate as normal.  However hubby's sperm analysis came back showing low motility.  To confirm this, we had another test done which showed the same, and this prompted the GP to refer us on to the Fertility Clinic at the local hospital.
Our appointment came through - and was on our second wedding anniversary.  Long story short, they carried out another three sperm analysis on hubby (two were still bad and one was fine - we think this was because we were just back from holiday and he was very relaxed)  I also had an HSG which showed that there were no blockages in my fallopian tubes.

Our last visit to the Fertility Clinic was on 8th March and the Consultant decided that the only way we would achieve a pregnancy would be through IVF (ICSI)  For this we had to be sent to a bigger hospital as ours does not perform IVF.  So far the only appointment we have had at the new hospital was for hubby to have yet another sperm analysis last week and then we have to attend another appointment on 11th May to find out which treatment they think would be best for us.

So as things stand just now, we will be put onto the waiting list for IVF which for our area means a year long wait.

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