Friday 15 July 2011

An update - on a few things!!!

So following the consultant appointment I talked about last time, two days later I ended up in A&E and being admitted to hospital.  Hubby decided that I had to go up on the Wednesday night because I'd been in a lot more pain than I had before and it was at the point where I just couldn't deal with it anymore.  Thankfully this time I saw a different consultant who was really nice, but he did say the same as the last one which was basically that they can't do anything to help me other than control the pain.  I was discharged with a whole pile of drugs (including morphine!!) and I've to go back for an MRI scan to make sure there isn't anything else wrong other than the bursitis.

I decided that if I was going to have to live with the pain then I had to try and get back to normal as much as possible - so I went back to work finally after being off for five months. Just now I'm doing three days a week and using holidays to have the other two days off, but I'm hoping I'll be able to go back full time soon before I use up all of my holidays!  Oh, and when I saw my GP before I went back he wasn't happy that the surgeons at our hospital won't even consider the op I could have so he's referring me into the Western Infirmary in Glasgow as there's a surgeon there who does it.  Fingers crossed either he operates or the better option of it going away on it's own happens soon.

When we were seeing the consultant at our local FC, he said he'd put us on the waiting list of IUI even although he doesn't think it'll be suitable for us.  His thinking is that we're waiting for IVF anyway, so when we get to the top of the IUI list he'll do another SA for hubby and if there's any chance it'll work he'll let us try it.  It's quite good of him actually as normally you're only allowed to be on one waiting list at a time, and if we'd to chose I'd have gone for the IVF one as there's more chance of that working.  I decided a couple of days ago that I was going to call up and ask where we were on the list for IUI.  We went on in March and we were told that the wait was roughly 9 months from then, which would have put us at around Christmas time for starting treatment if we were able to.  I spoke to one of the nurses when I called as she checked and told me that we're 11th on the list just now.  She couldn't tell me how much longer we'd have to wait, but she did tell me the people at the top of the list went on in February, so depending on how many cycles each one needs I'm thinking that we're maybe going to be a month or two before we were expecting.  It's not definite though because I'm not 100% sure how it all works, but I'll just stay with thinking it's Christmas and if it's earlier then it's a bonus.

So, it's back onto a bit of a health kick for us both now (although especially hubby to make sure his SA is as good as it can be) and I'm off to buy more vitamins for us both to take to make sure we're in as good a position as we can be for treatment.  I'm sure hubby will be delighted to be back on all the tablets I give him every day!!! lol

I'm having a bit of a dither about whether to buy something or not just now.  The book man comes into my work and leaves a pile of books which you can order if you want any of them.  In this lot there is a "My First Year" Winnie the Pooh book which is beautiful and comes in a lovely box.  It's to keep a note of everything in baby's first year from scans, firsts, etc - and I really want to buy it.  On one hand I think I shouldn't because who knows if any of the treatment will even work for us, but on the other I think maybe I should try and be positive and that one day we will need it and I can just keep it until then.  Hmm,what to do what to do!?!?!?!?!?!?!

S x